
Application Platform

Angular is the second implementation of AngularJS, a JavaScript framework used for front end development.

Unlike AngularJS, Angular is a full blown application platform that encloses code and business logic into "components", employs a modular design pattern and implements TypeScript, a superset of ECMAScript 6.


My first experience with Angular was during its initial GitHub push, well into its release candidacy. Unlike AngularJS, I have been following and using Angular since its inception.

Unlike AngularJS, Angular was not a JavaScript framework, but an actual application framework. Instead of "scope" based directives, components were instead used, additionally initializing their own Javascripts as well as style formats. This was a complete replacement of what was known as directives in previous versions.

With component-based architecture, came modularity, further separating the concerns of DOM interactivity, server side requests and client side services.


Most of my projects involving Angular 2 were limited to personal projects and proof of concepts at both Equifax and Bank of America.

Angular 4 saw further improvements and it was at this time that I created two major projects in Angular 4: the Bamum Project and Learn Shandong Hua, both linguistic applications focusing on the support of minority languages and scripts.

I have since skipped learning Angular 5 and have gone on to create starter projects for Angular 6.

UPDATE (2018/9/4)

As of last month, I have begun learning the early structure of Angular 7 beta, which was officially published on August 2, 2018. I look forward to learning more about Ivy, the render engine based on DOM architecture and "tree shaking", the process of bundling Angular JavaScript with only parts of the code that is used in the application.